What is a Weblog?
One of the latest and greatest ways people are making a killing on the Internet is by the use of Weblogs, better known as "blogs."
A blog is more of a Web journal rather than a Web site, which allows you
to make posts hourly, daily, weekly, or as often as you want, as well
as on whatever subject you want.
Blogging started out as more of a journal, as we mentioned, where people
would set up blogs as a daily diary or family journal a great way for
relatives to interact from long distances.
What many people started realizing is that these blogs attract a large
audience, because people love to read about personal experiences or
about just about any subject you can think of. With this in mind, both
companies and bloggers have a new way to benefit financially.
We will show you all about it in this tutorial. Typing short articles
for online businesses and using special links has been creating an
income that many only dream of.
The key to a successful blog is to get the traffic (visitors,
readers) to your blog, and to keep their interest with relevant
We will teach you how to get this traffic by getting exposure through
using places such as search engines to index and rank your blog in a way
that will assure its success.
The methods we teach will cost you no additional money.
We will show you how to create a blog for FREE, and type a small article
relating to companies you may want to work with or you can simply post
some of your life's experiences if you choose. We will show you how to
place links to popular companies who will pay you to place them on your
blog. This can create a residual income for a long time.
We will show you companies that will pay you when someone simply reads
your blogs and clicks on the special links you will provide. All of the
methods we will show will be 100% free you will never have to purchase
anything additional in order to get paid.
Your efforts will be well worth the time
If you
think this may be a waste of your valuable time, you should think again.
We will show you current members who have had their blogs ranked on the
first few pages of some of the major search engines after just a short
amount of time; they are now making $500 or more per DAY!
That is only the start because we are going to show you how you can make over $1000 per DAY!
All you have to do is follow our directions, keep typing a few additional article posts to your blogs periodically, and you will receive an income for a long time to come. Best of all you will do all of this with very little effort, time, and with NO Additional Money. THIS DOES WORK!
Training Curriculum For Blog Articles Part 1
1. Multiple Stream of Income Paid By Companies.
2. Setting Up Your Free Blogger Account.
3. Blogger Main Account Features.
4. Posting - Making Posts to Your Blog.
5. Monetize - Getting Signed Up With Contextual Ads Companies.
6. Design - Learning the Design Page Element Features.
7. Getting Signed Up With Companies to Earn Money.
8. Create Money-Making Blog.
9. Adding Banners and Text Links to Your Blog.
10. Using Special Meta Tag Codes for Search Engine Recognition.
11. Additional Ways to Make Money With Your Blogs.
PART 2 - Getting Blogs Indexed and Traffic to your Blog
1. Submitting Your Blogs to Search Engines.
2. Adding RSS Feeds to Get Internet Exposure.
3. Submit Your Blog to Free Internet Directories.
4. Adding Your Blog to Article Submitting Companies.
A. Ezine Article Submitting
B. Article Auto-Submitter Software
5. Using Internet Traffic Exchanges to Create Instant Traffic to Your Blog.
Section #1. Multiple Stream of Income Paid By Companies
A blog is structured in a certain way to allow you to place links of many companies that will pay you to link their products or services through a special affiliate pay code promotion link they will provide you. These special links can come in the way of banner ads, or a text link. Many of these companies will also pay by what is called "leads." A lead is a link that you place on your blog; if someone clicks on the link and then fills out a free offer, you get paid. No purchase is needed. We will give you all the details about how to get these links on your blogs.
YOU WILL NOT NEED TO APPLY TO THESE COMPANIES - We will show you later in the training how you can work for over 30,000 companies with out having to send any applications.
You can also make money from companies by placing ad text links on your blog. When someone clicks on that special link, you get paid whether they buy something or not.
The two primary ways to make money on your blogs are as follows:
A. Placing companies links on your blog page so you get paid
The main body of a blog whatever you type your article about the subject you choose. Many successful blogs have chosen one or more of the thousands of companies (over 30,000) they wish to promote. They type a short review on whichever of the company's products or services you discuss. You then direct the reader to the actual company's Web site through your special affiliate promotion links; if the person buys any of the company's products or services, you get paid a commission. Many of the companies we will show you will pay you up to 75% of the purchase price of their product, so in many cases you will make more money on a sale than the company you are promoting.
Just a few of the companies that you can choose to promote and make money from are: Wal-Mart, Target, eBay, Sony, Apple, Dell, AT&T, Staples, Delta Airlines, BestBuy, Yahoo, Marriot Hotels, Travelocity, Shop.com, Buy.com, MAC, Home Depot, HP, AMEX, Netflix, Blockbuster, PetSmart, Enterprise Rental Cars, Nordstroms, Macys, Avon, Tupperware, Office Depot, etc., etc., etc.
We also have thousands of smaller Internet based companies that also pay up to 75% of sale your promotion link creates.
Another way to make money on your blog is by placing a company's affiliate promotion links in the side bar of your blog. This is a special section that runs down the side of your blog page that allows you to post pictures, company banners, archives of previous posts, and more. When you have a nice flashy banner on your side page that directs the reader to check out these companies, and from there a customer goes to a company like Target and buys something, you get whatever commission Target is offering. I am sure you have seen these promotion banners all over the place with special offers, etc. Now you will also be able to cash in by placing these on your blog; we will show you how in the training.
B. Place contextual links and get paid for clicks
This is the easiest way to get paid for your blogs. You will place ad links on your blog for other companies through special services such as BidVertiser and Google AdSense Network. These two companies will place ad boxes on your blogs through a special code that will track anytime someone clicks on their ads. Clicks can generate anywhere from .03 cents per click up to $10 per click.
We are experiencing an average of about .30 cents with BidVertiser, and .50 cents with Google Adsense. You can place all BidVertiser ad contents on your blog, or all Google, or you can also do both. If your blog is getting an average of 1000 visitors per day, and only 10% of the people click on the ad content links, you would make between $50 - $100 per day just off the content links, in addition to the affiliate links. There are blogs on the Internet that are getting over 50,000 clicks per day.
Imagine how much they are making JUST off the ad content links.
This training program will teach you everything from getting signed up with all of these companies, to tracking your earnings, how to place the links on your blogs, and getting the traffic you will need.
Take a look at what a completed blog will look like with the income sources we have mentioned.
Open up our sample blog by CLICKING HERE
(blog will open in separate window)
C. LifeLock - We will get paid $35 for every sign up that this banner creates. When people click on the banner, and then sign up to protect their identity with this well-known company, we get paid.
D. Paid Surveys - We get paid when people sign up for free paid surveys. Some of the survey companies that are listed in Commission Junction are pretty good. We will get paid $1.00 for every survey where the person filling it out gets paid. NOTHING HAS TO BE PURCHASED. Everyone wins here, and everyone gets paid too. This is a nice money maker as you can see as many as 100 sign ups per day on a fairly busy blog.
E. HP - You can add links from some of the top companies in the world using the sources we will provide in this training. Companies like Hewlett Packard which will pay us a % of anything purchased through your links. There are many of the fortune 500 companies for you to add to your blog.
F. Sony - Here is another fortune 500 company. Sony is just another one of the thousands of popular companies that will pay you for links on your blog. With this particular banner we will get paid 5% to 15% for anything that is bought through our promotion link banner. For example, a Sony Vaio computer is about $1500; 10% of that is $150, which we will make for every sale.
G. Vault.com - Vault.com deals with jobs and career training. We will get paid $35 for every membership through our link. Everyday people are looking to better their careers and we will help them do that and get paid as well.
H. Survey Adventure - Another free paid survey company that will pay us $1.50 for just referring people to their site. No purchases needed from visitor as they will get paid for their time in studies and surveys.
I. BidVertiser - Bidvertiser works just like Google AdSense; someone clicks on the ad link and you get paid anywhere from .3 cent to $10 per click. If you think this won't amount to much, think again. The contextual ad boxes from both Google and Bidvertiser can easily make $200 per day on a busy blog. There are many people that are making over $500 per day and more with blogs just from these contextual ads.
If you add all of these income sources from this blog together, this blog is making money. What we have just showed you can add up to well over $1000 per day on a busy blog from all the income sources mentioned.
NOTE: In this training we will show you EXACTLY how to create a money-making blog just like the one above. We show you how to get all of the 30,000 companies to work for, place their codes and banners, and Google Adsense on your blogs, + a lot more.
Proof This Works!
We will list some of our member's blogs that have been indexed to the search engines and are currently making hundreds of dollars or more PER DAY!
When you have time, go to any of the three major search engines
and type a search for:
Search This : "WORK AT HOME MOM" On the #1 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog: http://workathomemomrevolution.blogspot.com This member is making over $1000 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "IPOD DOWNLOADS" On the #1 page on YAHOO, you will see this blog: http://iPod-Downloads-site.blogspot.com This member is making over $500 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "ANDROID DEVELOPERS" (A very hot subject) On the #1 page on GOOGLE you will see this blog: http://android-developers.blogspot.com This member is making over $500 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "YOUTUBE GLOBAL" also comes up under "YOUTUBE" On the #1 page on YAHOO, GOOGLE, & BING, you will see this blog: http://youtube-global.blogspot.com This member is making over $1500 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "LEARN HOW TO LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHS" On the #1 pages on YAHOO, GOOGLE, & BING you will see this blog: http://strobist.blogspot.com This member are making from $300 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "BAGHDAD" On the #1 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog : http://riverbendblog.blogspot.com This member is making over $300 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "HAIR BOW RESOURCES" On the #1 page on YAHOO, GOOGLE & BING, you will see this blog: http://sisbliss.blogspot.com This member is making over $500 per day with this blog. Also on page #1 of Google is this blog: http://makebowsandmore.blogspot.com This member is making over $200 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "LITTLE PEOPLE" On the #1 page on YAHOO, GOOGLE, & BING, you will see this blog: http://little-people.blogspot.com This member is making over $500 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "PS3 MEDIA" On the #1 page on YAHOO, GOOGLE, & BING, you will see this blog: http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com This member is making over $800 per day with this blog. |
Search This: "CAKE WRECKS" On the #1 page on YAHOO & GOOGLE, and on page #2 on BING you will see this blog : http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com This member is making over $300 per day with this blog. |
You can see almost any subject will make money online!
You will find hundreds more as you do various searches in all the search engines, just look for the ".blogspot" in the Web address!
Do You Want To Be Next?
Section #2. Setting Up Your Free Blogger Account
We will walk through the steps to sign up with Blogger.com, to create your first blog. We will have you set up what we will call a "starter" blog so we can continue the training.
The "starter" blog will be used solely for the training and can be deleted later on after training if you choose. We just want to use the "starter" blog to show you how to get signed up with Blogger.com and use their account features to create a blog.
Later in this program we will show you how to create your "Money-Making" blog that will earn your income. So let's get started:
Blogging Account Sign Up - VIDEO
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To sign up for your free Blogger.com account click the link button below:
You will see the following page:
NOTE: (IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A GOOGLE SERVICE ACCOUNT or GOOGLE E-MAIL CLICK THE "SIGN IN FIRST" AND YOU WILL SKIP THE ABOVE "CREATE A GOOGLE ACCOUNT" PAGE AND CAN PROCEED TO THE NEXT STEP). If you DO NOT have a Google Services Account or Google e-mail then fill out the form provided on the Blogger.com page which is shown above. Enter your eMail address. Retype your eMail address. Enter your Password of your choice. Retype your Password. Enter a Display Name - The display name will be displayed in all of your posts. Select your Gender. You will also enter your Date of birth. After you have entered your information, entered the "Word Verification" and checked off the "I accept the Terms of Service" When page has been completely filled out, click "Continue." |
BLOG TITLE: Enter a title that best describes the subject your blog you will be setting up. Being this is a "starter" blog this will not make too much difference at this point. You can always change your blog title later as well. BLOG ADDRESS (URL): You will then need to choose a "Blog Address (URL). You will find your blog on the Internet by typing this blog address URL. The blog address URL is the Web address you will type as an example: "http://yourblogname.blogspot.com" to find your blog on the Internet. You will want to try to put the subject of your blog in the blog address (URL) For example: if your blog is about "apple seeds" you may choose something like "appleseedsthatgrow" or "apple-seeds-that-grow." (You are allowed to put dashes if you like.) So if you chose "apple-seeds-that-grow" as your blog address (URL) then your complete blog address would be http://apple-seeds-that-grow.blogspot.com Because many of the popular names are taken, you may need to add additional words to your blog address URL. As an example: If "apple-seeds-that-grow" was already taken by someone else, then you could add to it like such - "apple-seeds-that-grow123." You can enter anything at this point as this is just a training started blog. We will cover good effective blog URLs later in the program. NOTE: The Captcha word verification may not be displayed on this page if you already did it in last step. Once you have entered your Blog Title, and Blog Address URL, click "Continue" |
You can now choose your template design layout. There is a variety to choose from. The Blogger.com template screen may look a little different than what is shown in the picture above, this is because Blogger.com updates their blog templates almost daily. Click on the template you like and click "Continue" |
Blogging Main Account Features - VIDEO
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We will now have you log back into your Blogger.com account. You can login by going to http://www.Blogger.com
After you login to Blogger.com, you will at your Blogger.com main account home page. This is also known as your "Dashboard."
Here are some of the Blogger.com main account (Dashboard) features to be concerned with:
A. NEW BLOG - When ever you want to create a new blog you will select this option. This will allow you to start a brand new blog from scratch.
B. EXISTING BLOGS - You will see any existing blogs listed by the blog's title.
C. CREATE NEW POSTS - When ever you want to create a new post for selected blog you will click this button. You can create new posts and save them to drafts for later posting, or publish your posts automatically and instantly.
D. BLOG EDITOR TOOLS - Under this button you will see the following options:
Here you can view existing posts to your blog. All the posts made for your particular blog will be displayed here whether you have published them or saved them to a draft for later publishing. You can also create new posts from this section as well.
When you click on the "pages" option it will list any pages of your blog. When you create a blog it will automatically create the "Home Page" of your blog. You can add additional pages if you choose by selecting the "New Page" button. The best time to use additional pages is if you want to add additional subjects to post about, but keep it under one blog.
In the editor tool you will see the "COMMENTS" on your blog. If you click on the "COMMENTS" button you will be able to edit or delete any comments on your blog as you choose. You do not need to delete any comments unless someone leaves a vulgar remark.
In the editor tool you will see the "STATS" on your blog. If you click on the "STATS" button you will be able to see how many visitors a viewing your blog on any given day, month, year, etc. Also you can see where most of the visitors are coming from such as region, country, etc. This is not too important to check unless you are more curious where your readers are coming from.
Here is where you can view your earnings through Google AdSense which pays you for every click your blog creates from visitors. This is also where you will go to set up your Google AdSense account so you can implement their ad boxes to your blog. Don't do anything with this as of yet. We will go over this in great detail later in the program and how to properly get set up with Google AdSense to assure your account gets approved.
The layout is how your blog is formatted. What this means is it is where your blog main body content, side bar content, lower body content, etc is located and situated on your blog. We will be going over this in detail later in this training so do do anything to this section yet as it will only confuse you at this point.
Here is where you will be able to change your blog template. You will see there are many more options than were available during the sign up. We will suggest to go ahead and change your template now if you choose before we start doing work on your blog. Also not where the "HTML" setting is as we will need to do some changes later in the program to the "HTML" of your blog.
If you click on the "SETTINGS" button you will be brought to the "Basic" settings page. This is the ONLY page you will need to be concerned about. Blogger.com will have everything else set as a default. All of the default setting for your blog will do fine.
On the "Settings" "Basic" page you only need to worry about these things:
TITLE: This will be the title of your blog and should already be defaulted to the title you chose when setting up your blog. You can change it if you choose.
DESCRIPTION: Here you will add a brief description best describing your blog content.
Other than those two settings you will not need to make any changes in your blog settings unless you want to change the time zone of your location or blog language which is done under the sub-menu "Language and Formatting" in settings option.
If you do want to delete a blog that would be done on under the "Other" option of the settings page.
E. VIEW BLOG - By clicking this option you will be able to view your existing blog in a separate window.
F. ACCOUNT PROFILE/SETTINGS/LOG OUT - This is where you can edit your profile (adding additional information about yourself, add pictures, music, etc.). Change general account settings, and log out of your blogger account.
E. LANGUAGE PREFERENCE - By clicking this option you can change the language of your Blogger account. Default is English, but many other languages are available for your to choose from.
Section #4. POSTING - Making Posts to Your Blog
Posting Editor Tools - VIDEO
(To view in FULL SCREEN, click the arrows on right lower of video player)
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Third - Enter your call to action; such as "GO HERE," "CLICK HERE," etc. in the "Text to Display" box. How to Obtain "Blog URL Address" - VIDEO Once you have published your first post you will be able to get your blog URL address that you will need to use when asked for the Web site or URL. |
The are two companies that offer contextual ads to be displayed on your blogs, BidVertiser and Google. Both of these companies will pay you for simply displaying their ad boxes on your blogs. No purchase is necessary, you get paid when someone clicks on their ad boxes that are displayed on your blogs.
You have the choice to display either BidVertiser's ads, Google ads, or both.
We will show you how to get signed up with both companies and place the contextual ad boxes on your blogs. Both companies are 100% free to join. You will get paid directly by either of these companies once a month by check, PayPal, or direct deposit.
We suggest you at least sign up for Google AdSense to get started. You can sign up for BidVertiser as well if you choose, or add them to you blog at a later time.
We will provide a tutorial for both in this section.
The first monetized site is Google AdSense. This is a very simple sign up process that is done directly through your Blogger.com account.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It will be important to make some posts to your blog before applying to Google AdSense. We suggest to make four to five posts at minimum for about a two week period before applying to Google AdSense.
Monetize - Google AdSense Information an Sign Up - VIDEO
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Monetize Site #1 - Google AdSense
How You Make Money | Google pays you for every click to their AdSense ads that are placed on your blog. |
How Much They Pay | Clicks can vary from .03 cents to $10 per click. Google also pays you for every 1000 visits to your blog on top of the actual clicks your blog produces. No purchase needed. |
How They Pay | Google pays you by mailed check or bank direct deposit. The choice is yours. |
Google is going to pay you for placing their search engine in contextual ad boxes on your blog(s). You get paid from $.03 cents to $10.00 for EACH CLICK that is generated through your blogs.
You will also get paid for every 1000 page impressions (when someone just visits your article). We are going to give you a detailed tutorial on how to sign up and get your account established with Google, so pay close attention.
This is very easy. (No one has to purchase anything for you to get paid).
In your Blogger.com account main page (Dashboard) you will see blog editor tools button, click on that button and select the "EARNINGS" sub-menu button and you will see this screen:
You will then click on the "Sign Up for AdSense" button and you will see a pop up screen that looks like this:
If you already have an existing Google AdSense account you can set this up here by selecting the "Use a different AdSense account"
If you do not have a Google AdSense account set up, then you will click on the "CREATE ACCOUNT" button.
You will then see this pop up box to sign up for your Google AdSense account:
Fill out your information as required on this page. Make sure to check off all the agreements under the policies before submitting your application. Once you have filled out the information and checked all the policies, click the "Submit Information" button.
On the next page you will be brought will be a confirmation of your information. Read through it can confirm your information is correct, then click the "CONTINUE" button.
After you have clicked the "Continue" button you will be brought to a final agreement page. Scroll to the bottom and check off the agreement, and then click the "I ACCEPT" button.
Allow a few seconds to load after you click the "I Accept." Once that loads you will brought to this page:
Click the "Link AdSense account" button and you will be brought to this page:
By default the "Show ads" will be set to "Yes" and that is fine.
If you click the "Display" drop down arrow you will then select the "Display ads in my Sidebar and Posts"
After you are complete click the "Save Settings" button located at the top right of page.
On this page you will leave at the default "Create a New AdSense Account" and then click "NEXT"
Google will automatically verify your information and place the contextual ads on your blog after this is verified. The verification can be automatic, or take up to 48 hours.
NOTE: If for some reason Google does not approve your application the first time through - Don't Panic, we will suggest to make a few more posts on your blog and then re-submit your Google AdSense application after a week of making some more posts. This does happen that Google will not approve your AdSense account if Google does not see enough content on your blog and the simple solution is to just add more posts and then re-submit your application.
Monetize Site #2 "Bidvertiser"
To start the free sign-up process with Bidvertiser, CLICK HERE
(Click on the "Join Now - It's Free" button on the page you are brought)
How You Make Money | BidVertiser will pay you exactly the same way that Google pays you for every click to their contextual ads placed on your blog. |
How Much They Pay | You will get paid from .3 cent to $7 for each click your blog produces. No purchase needed. |
How They Pay | BidVertiser only pays by PayPal or mailed check. |
1.) On the BidVertiser sign-up page, you will need to fill in the necessary information as required. You will need to choose the minimum payout which gives you the option to get paid once your earnings reach $10 for PayPal payments, or $50 payout if you want a mailed check for your earnings. If you choose PayPal don't forget to put your PayPal ID email where that option is given.
2.) After you have filled in all the information on the sign-up page, click on the "GET ACTIVATION CODE" button and leave the page open.
3.) Go to the e-mail account you listed on the sign-up form and get the activation code that was sent to your e-mail. Place the activation code back on the sign-up page where it says "Copy your activation code from your email and type it here:"
4.) Check off all the agreement boxes and click "Continue."
NEXT PAGE - BidVertiser for your Site
5.) Fill in the information on the next page as follows:
BidVertiser Title: You can use the title of your blog if you choose. This is just to organize your BidVertiser account once you have several blogs listed on BidVertiser.
URL of your website: This is where you will place your blog URL address.
3rd party ad server / URL forwarding: (optional): This is not used - skip this.
Primary language of your website: You will choose the language of your blog.
6.) Select a category that most accurately describes your Web site: You will first select the "Main Category" that best fits your blog subject, then select a "Sub-Category" as well. Try to select the one that fits best. This will allow BidVertiser to place relevant ad content on your blog which will give you higher click rates, which in return will give you higher paychecks. You can change these categories at a later time if you choose.
7.) After you have made all of your selections, click "FINISH"
Your BidVertiser account is now set up. We will show you how to place the special template codes which will create your monetized ad box on your blog a little further of this training.
Blog Design Layout - Add and Arrange Page Elements - VIDEO
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In your Blogger.com account you will click the blog editor tool button, then select the "LAYOUT" in the sub-menu.
This will allow you to place special links, banners, and some great optional features to your blogs if you choose. We will explain the common functions of these page element features.Here are the "Gadget" features available in your "Page Element" editor NOTE: Blogger.com is always adding new gadgets so the gadget page displayed above may be a little different with addtional gadgets added. We will focus on the most important gadgets you will need to use on your blogs. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() NOTE: By default, Blogger.com will use the color coordinated with your blog template. So you should not need to change the colors of your Google Adsense ad boxes. ![]() ![]() ![]() Also you will add your Bidvertiser monetized ad boxes using this gadget. Don't worry we will go over exactly how to do this once you get signed up with the companies. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Recap of Program Training - VIDEO
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1. You now have a basic understanding what a blog is, and how it works.
2. You have a general idea on how a blog will make you money with thousands of companies.
3. You have set up your free Blogger.com account.
4. You have created your first "starter" blog.
5. You have made some test posts to your blog using the "Post Editor Tool" and published your post(s).
6. You should know how to obtain your "blog URL" address.
7. You should have "Monetized" your blog by signing up with Google Adsense and Bidvertiser (optional).
8. You should have an understanding how the "Design" feature works to arrange your page elements and add features "Gadgets" to your blog.
I you have successfully completed and understand the above, you are ready to move on and start making some money. If you do not understand the above recap, we will suggest to go over the specific sections you are not understanding again.
Section #7. Getting Signed Up With Companies To Earn Money
Getting Signed Up With Companies - VIDEO
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Now it is time to get you signed up with the thousands of companies that will pay you money to add them on your blog.
The best part is that you will not have to sign up for each company individually. You will have access to thousands of companies by signing up with four main administrative accounts. The four main administrative accounts are (Commission Junction, LinkShare, PayDotCom, and ClickBank).
We will give you a detailed tutorial on how to sign up with each of these accounts, and how to retrieve the affiliate pay code promotion links to be placed on your blogs. We have dedicated a special section to the tutorials for each of these administrative accounts.
What these administrative companies will do for you
To get you started we will have you sign up with whichever administrative accounts you would like to work with. You may sign up with one of them, or with all four of them.
These administrative accounts will take care of all the administrative aspects of your pay, tracking, companies you are working with. These administrative accounts will allow you to login at any time to check on your current earnings, select the companies you would like to work for and promote, contact any of the companies you may have questions about, and assign your affiliate pay code promotion links to post to your blog(s).
All of these companies are 100% free to join, and you are NEVER! charged for their service! Remember the companies you are working for are paying you.
Special links to use for each of the companies
Each company listed in these four admin accounts you choose to promote on your blog will assign you a special "AFFILIATE PAY CODE PROMOTION LINK," This is done automatically once you select the company you want to promote on your blog(s).
Each company will assign you a different affiliate pay code promotion link to use on your blog(s). The affiliate pay code promotion link you are assigned will track all of your earnings when the link is clicked on from your readers of your blog.
We will give you good training on how to obtain the links for each of the affiliate companies to assure you get credited with your earnings.
How much will you earn
This is how these companies will pay you. When you select a company that you want to place on your blog, you will see what each company offers in compensation for your efforts.
Many will pay you a commission on anything your links bring in, some will pay you for just leading the prospective buyer to them, and some even pay you for having someone click on their Web site.
You can choose each company based on the compensation they are willing to pay; if you feel your efforts are worth more than what is being offered for pay compensation, simply choose not to promote that company.
Companies that pay "Commissions"
If the company is willing to pay commissions, they usually will make it worth your while. For example, if one of the affiliate companies is selling their service and/or products for $99, they may be willing to give you 70% of a sale that your blog(s) provide. That's $69.30 for EACH sale. In many cases, with digital products you can make more then the actual Web site that is selling the product, and you NEVER have to do any follow-up, answer any e-mails, or deal with any customer. All you do is make a post about the company and add the affiliate pay code promotion link for that company.
Example of how much you will make with Commissions
Many members who place promotion links on their blog(s) for some of these companies make $800 or more per day. If you think about it, when your blog reaches 1,000 people a day (many blogs get much more traffic than this), and only 1% makes a purchase for that $99.00 digital product which pays you $69.30 for each commission x (1% of 1000 = 10). It adds up like this: $69.30 x 10 = $693 a day for just one company.
Now imagine doing that for seven or eight companies you have placed on your blog I think you are getting the picture. If you think this is a fairy tale, think again. We guarantee you that if you ever purchased ANYTHING on the Internet, you more than likely purchased it from an affiliate publisher, and maybe even from one of our current members.
Companies that pay for "Leads"
This is not all based on making commissions on sales. There are many companies that will pay you for what is called "Leads." It works this way:
if someone simply visits the Web site you are marketing through your blog, and signs up for a newsletter, or free trial, etc., you will get paid. Some will pay you as little as $1.00, and some up to $10.00 and NOTHING HAS TO BE PURCHASED. This is nice because people like to get free information or free trials. Now let's take a look at the possibilities of this.
Example of how much you will make with Leads
If your blog reaches 1,000 people per day, and you are offering FREE products/service/trials etc. through your promotion links, and you only get 10% of the people to take advantage of the free information, or trial, you would make $100 to $200 per day, based on the minimum $1.00 pay.
Remember that the $1.00 is the minimum as some companies will pay you up to $10 to give away something for free. Also conversions of giving free things away can be much higher than 10%; finally, very popular blogs can get much more than 1000 readers per day. If you do the math, you will see you can make a fortune giving away free stuff on the Internet through your blogs.
Companies that pay for "Clicks"
As we mentioned in the "Monetized" part of the training that Google AdSense and BidVertiser will pay you when someone simply clicks on their contextual ads placed on your blog. There are some companies listed within the four admin accounts that will pay you the same way.
You will get paid when someone simply clicks on the link placed on your blog. No sign ups, purchases, etc. A simple click will make you money. The clicks pays anywhere from .05 cents to $.80 cents per click.
Example of how much you will make with Clicks
If your blog reaches 1,000 people per day, and you have a paid to click link on your blog, and you get 50% of the people to click on that link, you would make $250 per day, based on .50 per click pay. Conversions click through can be much higher than 50%.
How often you are paid by the affiliate administrators
Each administrative account will pay differently, from paying twice a month on the 1st and 15th, to paying once a month. They will pay by mailed check, direct deposit, or PayPal. We will let you know how each pays in the tutorials for each of the affiliate companies.
NOTE: You can sign up for one administrative accounts, or all four of the administrative accounts if you choose. If you were to sign up with ALL four administrative accounts below, you would have access to over 30,000 companies to work for.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you already signed up for ClickBank and/or PayDotCom through our Worldwide Data Entry or Marketing Typist program you will NOT need to sign up again. The only difference is you will be using your affiliate pay code promotion links directly on your blogs as we will show you further in the sections of training, rather than posting to the Internet as we have shown you in Worldwide-Data-Entry.
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To sign up for CLICKBANK and learn how to get promotion links: CLICK HERE |
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To sign up for PAYDOTCOM and learn how to get promotion links: CLICK HERE |
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To sign up for LINKSHARE and learn how to get promotion links: CLICK HERE |
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To sign up for COMMISSION JUNCTION and learn how to get promotion links: CLICK HERE |
Section #8. Create Money-Making Blog
Create Money-Making Blog (Overview) - VIDEO
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You now have thousands of companies to select from to start making money with your blog. We are going to have you make your first money-making blog in this section of training. You do not need to use your "starter" blog anymore as that was just for training purposes.
We will first go over some points to consider in making a blog:
Detailed Objectives to create a profitable blog.
There are many ways to create and manage a successful blog. We will teach you how to create multiple streams of income from many different companies and sources that will be placed on your blog.
Many times you are going to be paid when someone simply clicks on your blog and reads your content. The key factors in creating a successful blog will be explained in this section. We are going to first explain the most important part of how you will make money with your blog.
How to Build a Successful Blog
If you want to build a successful blog, there are certain things that can help you get started. A successful blog takes more than just setting up a blog page to chat about your life, or placing articles about a company you are promoting.
You need to focus on the building blocks in order to have the framework for a successful blog. Here is exactly what you need to make your blog as successful as possible.
A) The Look
The first building block for a successful blog is The Look. This means that your blog should start with an appropriate style. You will be using a blogging program that caters most to beginners (Blogger.com); you will see that they offer different templates for you to choose, and different features, such as adding elements like pictures and videos.
There will be something for everyone. You can go through the templates to choose which colors you like best for the layout. Experiment with the layouts to see which templates look best on the computer screen. You can always go back and change the template later if you want to change the look of your blog. Since Blogger.com allows you to create an unlimited number of blogs for free, we always suggest you start out with a practice blog to iron out any kinks while learning the program.
B) The Content
The content of your blog is the second key building block that you will need for a successful blog. While you can choose to create posts that have no direction or purpose, you will find that when you post interesting commentary or short information-filled articles, your traffic will increase. If you are making posts about your everyday life, you may think it is interesting, but most readers will not enjoy reading about your day to day activities, unless you make them into humorous stories.
The best thing is to create a blog about a specific subject matter; for a profitable blog you will want to use content relevant to the companies you want to promote that are going to pay you to link to your blogs.
We will show you in detail how to do this. It should also be noted that the more content you have on your blog, the more successful your blog will be. It is basically a numbers game at this point.
The more you post, the more chances you will have that one of your posts will attract the eye of someone searching for a related topic on the search engines.
So from the thousands of companies you have to choose from, you want to choose a good company to promote. You will want to keep adding information in the posts that you will make on your blog. For an example: if you are promoting Avon on your blog, you can make additional posts on your blogs about new products that they offer, and then redirect them to Avon's Web site through your affiliate pay code promotion link. Once that person visits the AVON site through your link, you make money.
Another great example of how you could update your posts in your blogs is with a company like Netflix. You would type your original blog article explaining all about how Netflix works such as how you can order dvds through the mail, free return postage, etc. You would then place your affiliate pay code promotion link in that post using the call-to-action "GO HERE" as we have already shown you how to do. Then if the visitor goes to Netflix Web site through your post and link and signs up for a FREE Netflix account, you get paid $9.00 (is what Netflix pays for free sign up). They will not even need to purchase anything.
You then make additional posts (approximately three times a week, if possible) about new movie releases that Netflix will carry, or special discounts that Netflix offers for a short time, etc. You will always include your affiliate pay code promotion link with the call-to-action in your posts to assure you make money.
So you see that no matter what company you choose to promote on your blog, you will want to keep making posts as often as possible with updated information. This will
1) keep a reader's interest,
2) get people to come back to visit your blogs for updates, and 3) skyrocket you to the top of the search engines because search engines love fresh content which are provided with new posts on your blog.
C) Consider your audience
Even if your blog is generally personal, it would be best to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them. After all, most of the reasons that people write blogs are limited to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be heard or read and known in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to have a write-up that everybody can understand they will not necessarily relate to it, but they can understand it.
What we are getting at is, if you are writing about yourself then, in the readers' interest, make it something that they can relate to. Even if you are promoting a company in your blog, keep in mind what your readers will want to know about that company, not what you only are wanting to know. This will keep your readers' interest, and they will be more intrigued to keep visiting your blog.
So if you are making posts like, " I personally like the movie Titanic because it has a ship in it," that would simply be your own preference. You would be better off making a post like, "What did you guys like best about the movie Titanic?" This will get your audience more interactive with your blog. Keeping the readers' interest in mind will also help you to gain their support by their clicking on your affiliate pay code promotion links which is what you earn your money. This brings us to the next important building block.
D) Make it interactive
As much as possible and if your capability will allow it, make your blog interactive. You can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.
You can even place an area for comments or for some feedback. In this way, you can get impressions or reactions from other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site. Indeed, blogs are not created just for the mere fun of it. They also have their own purposes in the world of the Internet. Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.
Back to our Netflix blog example; a perfect way to keep readers interactive would be to place some movie video trailers on your blog, and then you would write your call-to-action, something like, "Check it out at Netflix by CLICKING HERE" and your affiliate pay code promotion link would be embedded in the call-to-action "CLICKING HERE." You would then get your $9.00 when they go to Netflix and sign up for free account.
We are not encouraging everyone to create Netflix blogs that will be your choice. However, we are using this to give you a good example on how this works.
E) Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs
In order to have an interesting blog, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, you are not making a science course or staging a debate, so stick to simple facts and short blogs.
Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to have blogs that will not bore your readers because of lengthy articles.
F) Be social
Make sure to comment on other blogs, and invite other bloggers to make comments on yours. If you build up relationships with other bloggers can help provide the content you need as well as linking to other blogs will help your search engine status. This is half the fun in blogging anyways, and it will help build up your popularity with other bloggers.
It goes without saying that you should keep your blog updated often at least three times per week. You want to write some good postings that other people will find interesting. Don’t just report what others are saying you can post your opinions to other people's posts.
As we mentioned earlier, when you make the initial post don't include too much of your personal opinion, but respond to other people's posts to give your opinions. That’s what will drive people to interact with you.
G) The Ads
The next building block is advertising, as we have mentioned many times. Bloggers can make a steady income using advertising on their blogs. The trick is to have a good mixture of ads and content. If you fill your blog with ads and have no content for readers, they will be distracted and not visit your site again.
Choosing the right type of advertising programs is part of it as well. That is why we are having you use the administrative accounts such as PayDotCom, ClickBank, Commission Junction, and LinkShare to find plenty of relevant companies to write about as well as for whom to place ad links on your blog.
With just these four affiliate accounts you will have over 30,000 companies to choose from that are going to pay you very good money. You will also see some of the most popular companies in the world, many you probably buy from everyday interactions.
H) Do Your Research on the company you are working with
Researching Companies - VIDEO
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When selecting companies to post in your blog from the four administrative accounts you will want to do a little research on the company.
We suggest to use a WordPad or NotePad from your computer and make notes about the company.
You would do this by going to the company's actual Web site page and looking for some good selling points they use.
Look for special offers, bonuses, guarantees, coupons, sales points, testimonials, etc.
Make your notes so when you make your posts to your blog you will have a good subject matter to work with on the company you are posting about.
TIP - Keep a separate WordPad or NotePad for each company. It is also a good idea to have your affiliate pay code promotion link for that company listed in your WordPad o NotePad for easy access to be placed in your blog posts.
(Note: Follow the directions given from each admin tutorial on selecting companies and obtaining affiliate pay code links we showed you in the last section of training)
I) Keywords
This is an optional method that can help you get indexed on the search engines under certain keywords. You will try using certain search-engine-friendly keywords in your posts and titles.
Be sure to choose your titles carefully and use the same keywords in your posts. This will link the blog entry to the keyword topic (remember, each blog post is considered a separate Web page that can be indexed on the search engines).
As an example, if you are posting a blog about "Dog Training," you would want to use Keywords such as "Dog Training" in the title of your blog, and also in your posts. You can start out your posts with the keyword "Dog Training" in the header to start your blog posting, and then try to use that keyword within your article as often as possible, but yet making sense of it.
You would NOT want to make a post like this: "Dog training is important in dog training, because in dog training the dog training is important."
Yes, you did get the keyword in your post quite a bit, but it didn't make sense.
Picking the right keywords for search engines
The keywords are what usually can make the difference of a successful blog on a search engine. What exactly is a keyword? A keyword is simply the way a person types a search on the search engine.
For example, if a person is looking for apples, they may type "Ripe Apples" on the search engine. The term "Ripe Apples" is considered a keyword. Many of the search engines will keep track of how many times a keyword is searched within a month's time. Y
You can get the statistics on any search terms for many of the search engines; we will show you how.
You can find good keywords by using the keyword tool, Keyword Discovery by Trellian. This tool will show you how often certain keywords are searched by in all the major search engines every month.
It will be important to find good keywords that the search engines will use to index your blogs. You want to find keywords that are searched often; however, if you choose a keyword that is too popular, and is searched more it can take longer to get your blogs indexed due to the amount of competition for that popular keyword.
Try to find a keyword that gets between 15,000 - 250,000 searches per month if possible. We will explain how to find these search numbers using the tools we will suggest using the tool's "Search Index Rating"
Trellian's Keyword Research Tool
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You will be able to find the best descriptive keywords that are relevant a company's content, or the subject of your blog.
The Trellian Keyword Research Tool:
A - Enter "Captcha" human verification code.
B - Enter your main keyword here, for example if you are making a blog about dog training, then you would put "DOG TRAINING" in this box.
C - Click "SEARCH" and a list of relevant keywords will be displayed on this page.
Each keyword will display the search index rating number. The higher the search index rating number the more times it will get searched a month.
Try to find keywords between 15,000 to 250,000 searches a month. This will translate to a search index rating number of between 15 to 25 using the Trellian keyword search tool.
If you are not getting enough of the keywords that fall in this range, then you can go down or up a little. We suggest not to use any keywords that get over a 100 search index rating on Trellian. The reason is that the competition of websites and blogs trying to get these positions are extreme. Many of these companies will spend thousands of dollars to get ranked on the top search terms. You can find plenty of good keywords to target in the range we specify that will make you plenty of money.
We will suggest to add 4 to 6 good keywords to your WordPad or NotePad that fall within the search index rating. You can add these along with the notes you have already made on the company you may be posting blog for, etc.
You will need to use these keywords in your posts as well as we will show you where you will add these keywords in special Meta tag codes later in the training.
After you have all your notes on the company(s), your affiliate pay code promotion link for that company(s), and the keywords you want to use, then you have everything you need to create your money-making blog.
Secondary Keyword Search Tool by Google
We will mention that Google does offer a good research tool that is free. However, in order to use you will need to sign up for a Google Adwords account.
If you do want to use Google's keyword research tool you can do so by CLICKING HERE
* You will need to sign up/sign in using your Google/Gmail account.
J) Dedication
The most important building block of a great blog is dedication. You must be dedicated to the blog. You have to put in the time and energy needed to get positive results.
Even if you have the other components, unless you take the time to update your posts three times a week if at all possible, you will not be getting optimum results.
Dedication can help a lot as it can hide the fact that you are a beginner and it can allow you to create a beautiful, functional and profitable blog. No matter how little experience you have dedication can cover that up.
You can have a great blog as long as you take the time to give energy to the project.
REMEMBER: The more you post, the more visitors you will be likely to get. It will also give more content for search engines to use to find your blog and index it in their rankings. Try to do this everyday for the first week after you have created your blog, and at least three times a week after that. Once you get the hang of this, you will see interaction from others; that will make this fun and, best of all, profitable.
Do not get ahead of yourself
When you start out it would probably be best to just have one blog and focus on that until you are making money with it. Then, if you choose you can start other blogs on other subjects, as well as add more companies to promote.
Don't neglect the blogs you have going; it will be much more important to spend any available time posting to your existing blog. It is only when you have additional time available that we suggest you start creating additional blogs.
Try to keep your blog on the same subject
Don't work with one blog and change the subject matter as you go along. The downfall is that search engines will not index you as strongly as if you were to keep the subject of your blog the same.
Our suggestion is to create different blogs on different subjects and then link them together as we will show you a little later in the training.
Adding Links to Your Blog - VIDEO
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In this section of training we will show you how to place company banners, text links and BidVertiser contextual ad boxes, etc on your blog.
In the posting editor section of this training we have already shown you how to add your text links in your postings by using the call-to-actions such as "GO HERE," etc.
If you want to add affiliate pay code promotion links or banners in your main body template, or on the side bar of your blog, you will do this in the "LAYOUT" of your blog page.
To add affiliate pay code promotion links and/or banners to your blog do the following:
1) In the main account page (Dashboard) click on the blog editor tool drop down and select the "LAYOUT" from the sub-menu.
The main "Layout" page will look like this:
Look at this page as if you were looking at your blog. The blog posts will be on the left and the side bar will be on the right (note: some blog templates will be laid out just the opposite, depending on which template you choose.)
To place any page elements on your blog, select the "Add a Gadget" option where you would like to place your banners, text links or BidVertiser ad boxes, etc.
A. - If you want to place a banner on the side bar section of your blog, you would click on the "Add a Gadget" option on your blog layout. (A. in the design layout example above.)
B. - If you want to place a banner on the lower section of your blog, you would click on the "Add a Gadget" option on the lower center of your blog layout. (B. in the design layout example above.)
Note: Some blog design layouts may have and upper center and may not have the lower center option. This will depend on the template you chose for your blog. You can get an idea of how this works looking at the picture above.
Adding Affiliate Company Text Links
If you want to add an affiliate text link to your blog:
1. Click on "Add a Gadget,"
2. Then you will choose the LINK LIST element.
3. You will be able to title your link list.
4. Select the number of affiliate pay code promotion links you want to add.
5. Then add your affiliate pay code promotion links to the list. You can use company affiliate pay code promotion links relevant to subject content of your blog, or any affiliate pay code promotion links to any subjects if you choose.
You will get paid when someone clicks on those links of the companies you are promoting.
Adding Company Banners to Blog
If you want to add a banner to your blog (available from Linkshare and Commission Junction):
1. Click on "Add a Gadget"
2. Then you will choose the HTML/JAVASCRIPT element.
3. Add a title to your banner, i.e. eBay, Netflix, GoDaddy, etc.
4. After you have retrieved your HTML or Javascript code for your banners from Linkshare or Commission Junction (as we have shown you in the training for those admin accounts) you would then paste the HTML or Javascript code for the banner in the content box.
5. Click "SAVE" and your banner will be displayed on your blog.
You will get paid when someone clicks on those banners of the companies you are promoting.
Google AdSense Placement
Placement of Google Adsense on Blog
Google will allow you to place your Adsense ads on TWO places only on your blog. You usually only have two places you can place them (Side Bar, Upper Center, or Lower Center).
The best place to put your Google AdSense is on the upper center (if available) on your blog and to the side bar if your blog. (If upper center is not available, then choose lower center.
To place the Google AdSense on your blog do the following steps:
1. Click on the "ADD a Gadget" on your blog layout page shown above.
2. A separate box will pop up that will look like the box we have shown you earlier.
3. Select the "ADSENSE" option. You will be able to select the format and color of your Adsense ad box.
If you are placing on the side bar of your blog, then you would want to choose one of the "Vertical" banners so it will display in length down the side of your side bar section of your blog.
If you are placing in the lower center or upper center of your your blog, then you would choose one of the "Rectangle" banners so it is diplayed horizontally on the lower center or upper center section of your blog.
4. After you have followed these steps, click on "SAVE" and Google AdSense will now be displayed on your blog. You will now start making money when someone clicks on your blog and/or the Google Adsense boxes.
Adding BidVertiser Ad Boxes to Side bar
To place BidVertiser contextual ads on your blog's side bar links, you will need to have the special codes provided by BidVertiser. To get these codes do the following:
1. Login to your BidVertiser account.
2. Select the "CHOOSE TEMPLATE" and a separate box will pop up. Select the last option "Vertical Banner" and click "UPDATE,"
3. Next, select the button "GET AD CODE" and a separate box will pop up displaying a special code. Copy the code displayed on the screen which will look like this:
<!-- Begin BidVertiser code --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="http://bdv.bidvertiser.com/BidVertiser.dbm?pid=92157&bid=217852" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT> <noscript><ahref="http://www.bidvertiser.com/bdv/BidVertiser/bdv_advertiser.dbm">internet advertising</a></noscript> <!-- End BidVertiser code --> |
4. Go back to your Blogger.com account and click on the side bar "Add a Gadget" on your blog layout page.
5. A separate box will pop up that will look like the box we showed you earlier. Select the "HTML/JAVASCRIPT" option.
6. In the box that pops up, paste the code you copied from BidVertiser in the lower section under "Content." YOU WILL NOT NEED TO SELECT A TITLE. Click "SAVE" and BidVertiser will now be displayed on the side bar of your blog.
Section #10. Using Special Meta Tag Codes for Search Engine Recognition.
Adding Meta Tag Codes to Your Blog - VIDEO
(To view in FULL SCREEN, click the arrows on right lower of video player)
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Meta-tag codes are an important part of your blog. The Meta tag is the way the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing will know how to read your blog, and index it to the proper spot on their search engines. These are very easy to place on to your blog as we will show you.
Copying and Editing the Meta-Tag Codes to Be Placed on Your Blog
We will give you an example of what a completed Meta tag will look like, and then give you one to download that you will edit to meet your blog's content with ease.
Here is what a completed meta tag will look like, we are using the meta tag from our "Make-Money-at-Home" blog we showed you earlier. Take a look at the code:
<meta name="keywords" content="make money at home,make money online,work at home,work from home,business opportunities"/> <meta name="abstract" content="make money at home"/> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"/> <meta name="revisit-after" content="always"/> <meta name="language" content="english-us"/> <meta name="distribution" content="GLOBAL"/> <meta name="rating" content="safe for kids."/> <meta name="doc-type" content="Public"/> |
There are two primary steps to edit and inserting the Meta-Tag code to your blog:
You are going to need to edit the code you copied above or downloaded to match your blog's content.
You will ONLY need to edit the RED portion listed above to match your content, as the remaining part of the Meta tags are already pre-set and NO editing is needed.
Take a look at the tag above and notice how all the editing is done between the quotation marks (" and ") and you will do the same. Be sure not to remove the quotation marks, or any other part of the codes such as the < or > as it will cause errors when you post it.
In your keywords you will use commas to separate each keyword as shown above.
You are going to only edit the "keywords' and the "abstract" of the Meta tag:
Keywords: If you have not already done this, you will use the "Google Keyword Research Tool" we showed you in "Section 8 - Create Money-Making Blog." Get a list of 4 to 6 good keywords that match your blog's content and subject using the Google Keyword Research Tool. You will enter these keywords in the "keywords" section of Meta shown in red. Use commas, to separate each keyword and enter them between the "quotations" of the Meta tag.
Abstract: This is very simple, use your blog's title or best most search keyword for your abstract. Enter this in the "abstract" section of Meta tag shown in red. Enter the abstract between the "quotations" of the Meta tag.
1. Copy and paste the above code on this page (shown in the box above) and place into a WordPad or NotePad.
2. Edit the portions of the keywords and abstract shown in red and between the "quotation" marks ONLY.
3. Have the edited Meta tag ready for the next part where we will show you exactly how and where to insert on your blog.
(Save the Meta tag to your desktop for easy access and editing)
2. Open the file after it has been downloaded to your computer.
3. Copy and paste the code into a WordPad or NotePad.
4. Edit the portions of the keywords and abstract shown in red and between the "quotation" marks ONLY.
5. Have the edited Meta tag ready for the next part where we will show you exactly how and where to insert on your blog.
NOTE: If you have a problem downloading the Meta tag, you can copy and paste the example above.
After you have edited the Meta tag's keywords and abstract to match your blogs subject you will then need to insert it into your blog template. Here are the steps to insert the Meta tag into your blog.
1) In your main Blogger.com account page (Dashboard) you will click on blog editor tool drop down and select "TEMPLATE" from the sub-menu.
2) Next click on tab located under your blog template labeled "Edit HTML" (As shown Below):
A pop up box will appear asking you if you want to proceed, click on the "Proceed" option.
3) On this page you will see what is called HTML codes. You will need to insert the Meta-tag in the spot shown here:
4) Place the Meta tag between the:
"<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>"
As show in the picture above.
Here is what it will look like after the Meta tag code is inserted on HTML page:
In addition to the income you will be generating on your blogs with the 30,000 + companies, Google Adsense, etc. we have shown you in here in Part 1 - Creating Weblogs, there are additional companies that will pay you to advertise their websites, blogs, advertisements, offers, and to post their content on your blogs.
There are two primary types of opportunities here;
Advertisement and Banner Ad Companies,
Paid To Post.
We will explain what each opportunity offers. Some of these offer you additional affiliates for your blogs as well.
The following additional money-making opportunities are optional once your blog has been established.
The following sites want to see established blogs so don't go an apply for any of the following companies until your blog has been active with several posts for at least one to two months.
1. You now have a basic understanding what a blog is, and how it works.
2. You have a general idea on how a blog will make you money with thousands of companies.
3. You have set up your free Blogger.com account.
4. You should have signed up with at least one of the affiliate administrative accounts.
5. You know how to select companies and how to obtain your affiliate pay code promotion link for each company.
6. You have created your "Money-Making" blog.
7. You have made some posts to your Money-Making blog about the company or companies you are promoting.
8. You should know how to obtain your "blog URL" address which is needed for Part 2 of this program.
9. You should have "Monetized" your blog by signing up and adding Google AdSense.
10. You should have an understanding how the "Design" feature works to arrange your page elements and add features "Gadgets" such as company banners to your blog.
11. You should have added your Meta-tags complete with your researched keywords and abstract.
12. Once your blog has been established, you know of some other great ways to make additional income from your blog.
If you are still waiting for Google AdSense to approve your application that is okay. You can still move on the Part 2 of this program to start posting your blog to the Internet.
I you have successfully completed and understand the above, you are ready to move on and start making some money. If you do not understand the above recap, we will suggest to go over the specific sections you are not understanding again.
Mission Statement
The usual failure of work-at-home jobs is that the person does not have the three "D's" of a successful work-at-home entrepreneur. These three "D's" are Desire, Determination and Direction. If you have the first two D's, we will provide the last "D" in the equation! |
CNBC featured "Online Data-Entry Clerk" job in their article for Top Jobs You Can Do From the Beach." They list this as the #6 job. This shows the legitimacy of the jobs we will show you with this work-at-home job training program. Read the article |
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20235 N. Cave Creek Rd. #104-229
Phoenix, AZ 85024
Phone#: 1-800-920-6485