Proofreading Business & Jobs
Starting your own online proofreading business
You know who you are. You are the person who picks up the newspaper, reads a website, a magazine, or a book and shakes your head every time your brain stumbles over a typo, incorrect punctuation, a poorly worded sentence, or lousy page layout and design.
Your eye wanders down the right-hand margin taking note of the excessive word breaks and you turn the page only to find an orphaned line perched at the top of the page, sitting there all by its lonesome. "Didn’t anybody proofread this?" you lament.
You start thinking that maybe you could be a freelance proofreader. You’d really love to "be your own boss" and make your own schedule. What you don’t know, however, is how do you go about making this dream a reality.
You need only to look at yourself, your interests, and your own work experience and education to provide the fertile soil from which you can cultivate and grow your own at-home proofreading business.
What around-the-town publications do you encounter other than the daily newspaper? Does your town produce a monthly magazine? Are there any graphic design businesses in town that produce brochures, meeting materials, or advertising catalogs? Are there local organizations that put out newsletters? Is there a college or university in or near your area where there are students writing research papers? Does the company for whom you presently work have an in-house newsletter?
Does your church or your kids’ school hand out flyers or news bulletins? Who does the newspaper inserts? When the local stores advertise, who does the advertisements? When you surf the Web and visit websites, who proofreads these Web sites? This is just a few examples of off line types of work.
This does not even account for the hundreds of thousands of Online proofreading jobs that are available for outsource assignments.
If you think about it, printed text surrounds you. You encounter printed matter for almost everything you do. What you need to do now is narrow the field and determine where to find a likely starting place.It is probable that you are not going to get an at-home proofreading job by simply showing up at a printing shop and announcing "I am a freelance proofreader, give me work." You might, but my guess is that this particular method of self-advertising is not going to score you enough work to allow you to quit your day job. What you need is experience and exposure.
If Someone wrote it, someone did the page layout, and someone probably proofread it. That proofreader could be someone like you.
We are going to cover all aspects of this proofreading opportunity in this program. We have broken this training down in sections which are presented in the training curriculum.
Training Curriculum For Part 1 - VIDEO
(To view in FULL SCREEN, click the arrows on right lower of video player)
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Our proofreading training curriculum:
1. Introduction to Proofreading
2. Proofreading Apprenticeship
3. What You Will be Proofreading
4. Proofreading Skills and Tips
5. Proofreading Training and Certification
6. Proofreading Self-Help Practice and Quizzes
7. Proofreading Jobs and Assignments
8. Starting Your Own Proofreading Business
9. Where to Get Additional Proofreading Work in Your Area
10. Additional Training Guide For Proofreading
1. Introduction to Proofreading
Mark Twain once wrote about the importance of proofreaders which he wrote:
"The difference between the almost-right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning-bug & the lightning."
Mark Twain's well-known observation appears at the top of the "Language/Writing" page of a university's continuing education website--just above a blurb for "Mistake-Free Grammar & Proofreading."
(Here is the funny part of all of this)
Except that Twain's line is misquoted, and the word lightning is twice misspelled as lightening.
Twain himself had little patience for such errors. "In the first place God made idiots," he once wrote. "This was for practice. Then he made proof-readers."
Yet as an old newspaper reporter, Twain knew full well how hard it is to proofread effectively. As he said in a letter to Walter Bessant in February 1898:
You think you are reading proof, whereas you are merely reading your own mind; your statement of the thing is full of holes & vacancies but you don't know it, because you are filling them from your mind as you go along. Sometimes--but not often enough--the printer's proof-reader saves you--& offends you--with this cold sign in the margin: (?) & you search the passage & find that the insulter is right--it doesn't say what you thought it did: the gas-fixtures are there, but you didn't light the jets.
No matter how carefully we examine a text, it seems there's always one more little blunder waiting to be discovered.
As we had mentioned in the overview above this section, if you had read this statement:
"You are the person who picks up the newspaper, reads a website, a magazine, or a book and shakes your head every time your brain stumbles over a typo, incorrect punctuation, a poorly worded sentence, or lousy page layout and design. Your eye wanders down the right-hand margin taking note of the excessive word breaks and you turn the page only to find an orphaned line perched at the top of the page, sitting there all by its lonesome. "Didn’t anybody proofread this?"
If this is you? Then you are probably a great candidate to be a proofreader.
Proofreading is not an innate ability; it is an acquired skill.
In a nutshell if you can aquire these three skills you can be a proofreader:
1. A good train of thought
2. Awareness of subject matter
3. Consistent quality of completed work.
Anybody can learn proofreading by starting with these three skills.
2. Proofreading Apprenticeship
Unless you have already been doing proofreading as an occupation for several years, then you are going to be considered an "apprentice proofreader," and that is okay; you have to start somewhere!
This proofreading program is designed to get you the apprenticeship needed to become a reputable proofreader, with the needed skills to complete the work you will be doing.
We will give you all the training, tools and skills that you will be able to use in this occupation. You just need to dedicate yourself to want to learn this program, and do exactly what we will show you. As with any work-at-home job, it is not for everyone. You have to be self-disciplined and able to devote quality time and concentration to the job at hand. If you can not deliver quality work, then you will never be successfully self-employed in any trade.
If you don’t have the skills or education, then you need to get some; and that is what our program is designed to do.
Much of this program will do with learning the "tricks of the trade." Everything we show you such as the proofreader's tools, tips, and acquired skills will help you complete the apprenticeship program we present.
3. What You Will be Proofreading
We will cover in this section what you will be proofreading as well as the most notable corrections that are made in proofreading.
Most common documents you will be proofreading:
Newspaper inserts
Business proposals
Business plans
Corporate summaries
Company handbooks
General documents
Tutorial guides
Website and blog content
and much more...
Here is a general list of the most common proofreading corrections:
(We will present each with a link for a definition to sites such as Wikipedia and others. Click on the proofreading corrections below to get the appropriate definition for each.)
Typographical Errors
Grammatical Mistakes
Run-On Sentences
Punctuation & Quotation Marks
Subject-Verb Disagreements
Sentence Fragments and Lengths
Comma Usage and Splices
To download a copy of the detailed list of the "Most Common Writing Errors" CLICK HERE
The list above is just a general list of the most common proofreading corrections that you will be doing. There are several other components that you will be proofreading that is more based on your own styles.
As an example components such as "structure and theme;" which is your overall view of the how the article, newsletter, etc is structured to the reader. Or the "organization" of what you are proofreading; is it organized in a way that makes sense. Or the "audience appropriateness;" which you would need to determine is this article, newsletter layed out in a manner for the audience it is intended for. These are just a few of the examples of how your own style of perception will play a factor in your proofreading ability.
Take a look at some real proofread documents to see the type of work you will be doing:
4. Proofreading Skills Training
In this skills training section we are going to go over the needed skills you will need to be a proofreader.
In addition to having the basic skills such as, a good train of thought, awareness of subject matter, and consistent quality of completed work, you are going to need to know some tools and tips every proofreader will need to have.
One of the first things as a proofreader you will need to learn is the "proofreading marks" commonly used in your edits. These are universal symbols used to make corrections in the edit and proofreads.
If you don’t already know them, you will definitely need to learn the standard proofreading/editing "marks." These are the little glyphs and squiggles that indicate to the typesetter or page layout artist what corrections need to be made to the printed material and where. Some marks are self-explanatory, while others look like an Ancient Egyptian Sanskrit language.
If you visit the link below, it will show you the standard proofreading/editing "marks" used to make needed corrections.
You can also download these proofreading marks from a .PDF file we provide.
CLICK HERE to download the .PDF file of the "proofreading marks"
This will be one of the first and most important tools you will need to learn. A good practice is to find some online literature that you either download or copy and paste to a WordPad. You can then use the proofreading marks to make your corrections to the literature which will tone your skill on using proofreading marks.
Proofread More than Once
If possible, read out loud. Read one word at a time. Read what is actually on the page, not what you think is there. (This is the most difficult sub-skill to acquire).
Fact: Professional editors proofread as many as ten times. Publishing houses hire teams of readers to work in pairs, out loud. And still errors occur.
Proofreading your sentences in reverse order
You might also try proofreading your sentences in reverse order, a strategy that takes you away from the meanings you intended and forces you to think about small surface features instead.
Learn to focus without distractions
A quiet environment can be a proofreader's best friend. Having a TV or radio on in the background is not advised. Also if you can keep the kids (if you have them) out of your working environment while proofreading will help. Focusing without distractions can be the difference in completing your assignments with quality.
You have to doubt every word in order to catch every mistake.
It is the unconscious nature of the worst that makes proofreading so difficult. The student who turned in a paper saying, "I like girdle cakes for breakfast" did not have a perverted digestion. He thought he had written "griddle cakes" and because that's what he was sure he had written, that's what he "saw" when he proofread. If he had slowed down and read word by word, out loud, he might have caught the error. You have to doubt every word in order to catch every mistake.
You have to look at the word, not slide over it.
Another reason for deliberately slowing down is that when you read normally, you often see only the shells of words -- the first and last few letters, perhaps.
You "fix your eyes" on the print only three or four times per line, or less.
You take in the words between your fixation points with your peripheral vision, which gets less accurate the farther it is from the point.
The average reader can only take in six letters accurately with one fixation. This means you have to fix your eyes on almost every word you read and do it twice in longer words, in order to proofread accurately. You have to look at the word, not slide over it.
Take nothing for granted.
In proofreading, you can take nothing for granted, because unconscious mistakes are so easy to make. It helps to read out loud, because 1) you are forced to slow down and 2) you hear what you are reading as well as seeing it, so you are using two senses. It is often possible to hear a mistake, such as an omitted or repeated word that you have not seen.
Fact: Did you know that it is twice as hard to detect mistakes in your own work as in someone else's? It is true.
Avoid doing your final proofreading on a computer screen
Ideally, you should do a preliminary editing and proofreading job while you are working on the computer. After printing out a copy, edit and proofread once more, before making final corrections on the computer and printing out your final copy.
Checks the proofs (live copy) against the manuscript (dead copy)
In traditional proofreading, the proofreader checks the proofs (live copy) against the manuscript (dead copy) to ensure that proof copy corresponds word for word with the edited manuscript.
With the advent of computer typesetting, however, it is not always possible to provide the proofreader with an accurate manuscript against which to check the typeset copy. In this case the proofreader must read the proofs without reference to an authoritative manuscript.
This entails checking the accuracy of spelling against the dictionary, and checking for correct style against the publisher's accepted manual of style and any other references provided by the publisher.
The proofreader is responsible to see that all typographical specifications (specs) called for by the editor are carried out correctly.
The second course we will suggest is a training and certification course offered by UniversalClass.com. We will strongly suggest to do this course and get your CEU certificate as this is huge achievement in the proofreading and editing occupation. The total course costs $75 which includes the CEU certificate.
Here is the course description and objectives:
This online course will cover:
This course is designed for everyone, regardless of education, experience, or background. No matter who you are or what you want to achieve in life, gaining proofreading and copyediting skills will improve your written communications, help you think more clearly, and perhaps start you on the road to a brand new career. Learning Outcomes |
By successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
The course will be well worth the $50 (no certification) or $75 (with certification) investment if you choose to take it and get certified. One assignment will pay for this course and then some. Again it is optional, but suggested if it is in your budget.
Click the "Universal Class" logo below to enroll in their online class:
The one certification we will strongly suggest (especially if you decide not to do Universal Class certification) is a certification by Expert Rating.
If you take the test and pass you will be added to the Expert Rating list of qualified proofreaders which will give you great exposure and a nice addition to your proofreader portfolio. You also can add the "Expert Rating" seal to your website, blog, emails, or sales material.
This is a very small investment required of $9.99 -- And if it is the only money you ever spend it is well worth it.
Click the "ExpertRating" logo below to take the certification test:
The twenty-one quizzes with a green marble and designated "Practice" have been adapted from the instructor's manual and other ancillary materials accompanying Sentence Sense: A Writer's Guide. They are duplicated here with permission of the author, Evelyn Farbman, and the publisher, Houghton Mifflin Inc.
The seventeen quizzes with a gold marble were written by the English faculty at an estimable midwestern university and are used here with the permission of that department.
The ten quizzes with a red marble were prepared by students in Professor Karyn Hollis's Tutor Training course at Villanova University.
Quizzes done in Javascript are followed by (js) and those done with CGI are followed by (cgi).
Clicking on the back arrow button in your browser will bring you back to this page. Other navigational aids will appear at the bottom of each page.
The Pop-Up Lexicon accompanies the vocabulary quizzes and contains an extensive list of vocabulary words, definitions, and example sentences. accompanies the vocabulary quizzes and contains an extensive list of vocabulary words, definitions, and example sentences. |
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Click on the job search icon below to view current outsourced and bid assignments. Some may require an application for approval:
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Mission Statement
The usual failure of work-at-home jobs is that the person does not have the three "D's" of a successful work-at-home entrepreneur. These three "D's" are Desire, Determination and Direction. If you have the first two D's, we will provide the last "D" in the equation! |
CNBC featured "Online Data-Entry Clerk" job in their article for Top Jobs You Can Do From the Beach." They list this as the #6 job. This shows the legitimacy of the jobs we will show you with this work-at-home job training program. Read the article |
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Phoenix, AZ 85024
Phone#: 1-800-920-6485