Article Revenue Sources

Article-Writing Income Sources

Here are just a few of the income sources the article writing programs can generate:

Income Source #1
We have publishing companies in our network that will pay you for articles they can publish. They will pay for fresh content articles that can be about almost anything under the sun. You could type a short article about personal experiences and get paid. As a matter of fact, many of these companies look for exactly that type of creation, original and informative.

These companies will only publish original content, so you can't copy any articles that have already been posted to the Internet. In our "Article Writing Tricks" training we will show you how, in as little as 15 minutes, to create original articles ready to be published. The amount of money you will get paid for articles will range from $10 to $100 on average.

We have had some members get paid as much as $400 for their articles. These publishing companies, in return, sell these articles to website, blogs, or individuals looking for fresh content to help their own Internet rankings. This is a great way to make money for expressing your own creative styles and thoughts.

Income Source # 2
One of the most popular and successful sources is through contextual advertising. We will deal with two primary contextual ad services that will PAY YOU to place their web contextual boxes on the articles you post. You get paid for people simply reading your articles (no purchasing necessary). There are two ways you will do this: (1) by placing the special contextual advertising boxes on free blogs along with the articles you will create and post to the Internet, and (2) by placing your special contextual advertising boxes to post to different revenue sharing companies along with your short articles.

The revenue sharing companies will do all the leg work to get you the readers, and all you have to do is post the articles. We will explain all of this in much detail in the training for these programs. There are two primary companies we deal with for contextual advertising revenue which are Bidvertiser, and Google AdSense.

Income Source #3
Another source of income we will teach you about is to create and post content for over 40,000 companies. We show you how to select the companies, get special tracking codes for your pay and how to post content to blogs that will earn you commissions, for sales or leads when someone visits your blogs. We are going to show you how to find subjects and create content that will be relevant to any of the 40,000 companies you can choose from.

Each company will pay you based on their own pay structure. These companies will not require any application; this will allow you to start working right away. You will be able to work with some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Wal-Mart, Avon, Best Buy, Target, AT&T, Sony, Apple, eBay, Delta Airlines, Marriott Hotels, Travelocity, Tupperware, and the list goes on. Partnering and creating articles about any of these 30,000 companies will allow you to make some great money as just one of the possible income sources.

Income Source #4
Another way to make money by typing articles and blogs is from companies in our network that will pay you to post their ads to your blogs once your blogs are indexed to the search engines. You can get paid as much as $35 per day from each of the companies that want to post their ads, NO ONE has to purchase anything from them for you to get paid; you simply put their promotion banner on your blog and you get paid.

We will show you how you can get as many as 5 banners on your site at one time, creating a source of income for doing nothing but having fun posting simple articles. The reason they do this is to get exposure for their Web sites. This can create as much as $175 a day and cost you nothing but a little effort.

Income Source #5
We have a great way to make money by making simple posts to online Internet forums, and blogs. As a response typist you will be able to make posts, submit pictures, or videos and get paid for your efforts. There are no catches just post and get paid. The reason these forums are willing to pay you is that they need fresh content on their sites, and you will accomplish this for them.

As we train you as a response typist, you will be able to make as much $15.00 an hour to post simple comments to the Internet.

There are even more ways than what we have listed above  for you to make money from typing short articles.